I've discovered my addiction! Suspecting before it had to do with my computer...am now diagnosing it after 4 days with no connections....no wi-fi...no hot spot. My phone is also weak and rarely works.
Not that I complain. Could not do that after an absolutely fabulous week south of Tucson....in Benson. A reunion with a couple I met last year there and adding 3 more couples. Quite a diverse group representing .... Texas ... California .... and our new friends from Canada....Quebec and Ottawa. We blended perfectly with our food, our happy hour, our interests in travel & different cultures.....our pets....Rving.....etc. Now I know I must learn Spanish & French. They spoke so many languages & I didn't. Gotta get that Rosetta Stone program.
You may remember from my last email I was going to spend 2 weeks here in Yuma, then go to El Golfo, Sonora, Mexico. Didn't do enough research on that plan. Not a good time of year, no snorkeling, water (Sea of Cortez) not good for swimming, no escort to get there....so change in plans. Just don't know what they are yet. Will be back in Santa Cruz for a few weeks in May/June.
As you all know, diesel has gotten so expensive, I'm having to be quite conservative in spending. Am trying to do a new budget and rethink the way I travel....pray that I don't have to go back to work!!!!! That will be my last choice.
Hope you all are doing well....I am.....and am catching up on my reading...
Peace & Joy......pat