Boston Bar & Baja Friends

August 21. 2010

From the Baja, I had known that friends, John and Georgie, lived in Boston Bar but I didn't know we were close to BB on our way to raft...So I gave them a call and they said "Come on Up".  We did.  We just stayed for a tour, to meet their daughter, have a cup of tea, for a look at their "museum-type" home, to hear some of his jokes (Helen hadn't heard them) and the best part....for the Salmon he had caught and said ... gee I'd give you this Salmon but the refrigerator in your RV probably isn't big enough.  It was a big frozen salmon and of course my refrigerator couldn't have kept it frozen, but I said oh yes it is.  A frozen salmon has to thaw, right.  So we wrapped it in newspapers and towels and stuffed it in the bottom of the refrigerator.  It took several days to thaw...wish I had pictures of all we did with that salmon.  Best I'd ever had and I'm a connoisseur of salmon.  


Every year John and Georgie have a Baja Reunion for their friends from Canada who also go to the Baja in the winter.  We missed it but the signs were still up.  People just come up in their RV's and camp on their huge property.

They said we were welcome to stay and camp at their place but we already had reservations for an RV Park a bit closer to the Frazer River.  We stopped at The Charles Hotel.  It is a popular rest stop for  travelers headed to the Fraser Canyon...we stopped, we ate, we used their free wi-fi ... on our way to the Mighty Fraser to raft the next morning.

I took this picture because John was listed here as an employee of the Aerial Ferry.  He had done that job for a very long time before retirement.  I had never thought about what he'd done his entire life.  No wonder he has so many stories in so many different dialects and such a sense of humor.

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